Create a DatabaseArticle Entry Date: May 21,2022 @ 04:01:41 / Last Updated On: May 21,2022 @ 04:18:18
Create a Database for learning and testing code before Production. Here we will walk through the steps of creating your database, which we can use in all the lessons we have on [Coding Source].
Create a new Database named, [Test]
Right-click on [Databases]
Choose [New Database]
Database Name: [Test]
Click on [Options]
Recovery Model: Choose either Full or Simple - For testing purposes, it is best to choose [Simple], for Production, choose [Full]
Choose [OK]
Once you have your website ready to go live, you will want to ready it for Production, meaning more needs to be done to prepare your SQL Server. To learn how to create a database for Production«. Though the above link does walk you through more than what is in this article and does get your database ready to be placed on a Production Server, you will still have more to do for your server(s) if you are hosting in-house. More lessons in article and video format will be forthcoming on this subject and much more.